Yes! After years of lusting after these and Maury and I kicking ourselves in the ass for not buying them on the Victoria's Secret site in 2006, I finally got the Sam Edelman "Zoe" Balenciaga knock offs from ebay. It's the most decent price I found in the past months and its in very good condition. Needless to say I'm freakin excited! But then, I almost shit my pants today when I read this post by Alexandra on the LF Store blog: Fashionlane
"June 22, 2009: This bad ass boot is by Sam Edelman and its called "Zoe". I have wanted it ever since I saw MK Olsen wearing the Balenciaga ages ago. Bloggers alike found the Sam Edelman for Vitcoria Secret version from a while back, but it sold out like nobody's business. With that said, I had to make it happen somehow. Seven months ago I had a meeting with the design team at SE and they made it just for LF Stores (YAY!). It's coming in mid July, so if you have to have it email me and I will put you on the wait list."
Can you believe this?!!!!!!!!
Image: fashionlane.blogpsot